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Hey there!
Sebastian Nowak
Sebastian Daniel Nowak
Road Cyclist
Software Engineer
Drone Pilot
Game Developer
Avid Traveler
I started coding when I was just 10 years old and eventually turned the passion into a job. I'm now a remote working full-stack engineer... with a lot of other hobbies.
I took this photo in the Italian countryside. Picturesque hills, low light pollution, and subtle glow from tiny villages make it the perfect place for shooting the milky way.
Agriturismo Baccoleno might be one of the most photographed locations in Tuscany. And it's even better if you wake up early and bring a drone.
I created in 2015 after being stranded for a month due to an accident. The game is still active and has been played by over 5 million players so far.
I learned first hand that life isn't meant to be lived in one place. Love people, not things, collect memories, not stuff. The world has so many faces, why see just one?
Cycling has been my go-to sport for many, many years. A road bike is so much more than a sum of its parts - it's the key to a lifetime of pure, unfeigned joy!
Volcanic landscape
That's a very strange screen size. I'm afraid it's not supported.